Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Comic Sans, sigh


My friend just started working at a dance studio so I drafted up a flyer for her Friday night salsa class. She loved it. So did the studio.

Then, they wanted to change the logo font.

...to Comic Sans.

Apparently that's how their logo looks and they want to stay consistent. Consistently fail.

I would continue to rant... but you all can feel my pain, I imagine.



Tiffany said...

Ugh, I totally know how you feel. The one time my Human Dev. professors decided she was going to make her own powerpoint she used Comic Sans EVERYWHERE. Granted the topic was about babies, but really, does it have to be thrown up about the slides?? =/

Lydia said...


evelyna_ng said...

oh god...do they NOT want any business? yuck.